We refurbish donated bikes and either donate them to schools, community groups and charitable organisations, or we sell them for a modest amount. Everyone should be able to experience the joy and benefits of cycling!​

About our members
We're mainly aimed at men who can be isolated for financial, health or social reasons. They are keen to get unwanted bikes back in use, and learn new skills while doing so. We meet at our venue in Reddish on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. If you'd like to meet some new friendly faces while tinkering with bikes and socialising, then this is a perfect opportunity. RMIS are members of the UK Men's Sheds Association - established to encourage people to come together to make, repair and repurpose; supporting projects in their local communities.
Join, donate or get a bike
If you are interested in joining (no experience necessary) you are welcome to arrange a visit.
As a not-for-profit organisation we are almost entirely reliant on grants and donations to keep us running. To arrange a bike or financial donation, service, purchase or to enquire about our 'Bike Giveaway' scheme use the 'Contact' page or email